2018EE10439 | I am an introvert type of guy but I don't want to be like this.I want to meet new people and make friends. | |
2018ee10445 | Tech news.movies.suspense thrillers | |
2018TT10888 | I am not lazy but sometimes it's good to be lazy |
2018BB10020 | I think I am a boring person.
I have no interest in sports or clubs as of now.Quite often I become
motivated to do things and few minutes
later the same motivation turns to demotivation .I didn't prepare for
the minors and I realize my mistake now. Hopefully I will be able to study a
bit daily from today. I am confused.They are so many questions about career. My family expects me to change my branch from biotech to some other branch. Some part of me does want to do coding and learn cool concepts in maths, so I want to go to a maths or cs dept. but then on the other hand I also want to learn about biology,history and etc. It just that one life is so small to gain all the knowledge. I cannot do all the things that I want. This is where iitd kicks in.I am hoping maybe it will help me in deciding what right and what's not right for me. Sorry for long description .There was no word limit and I was free and now I have to go to mess, so bye and have a good day ladies and gentlemen. |
2018BB10029 | I am kind of an introvert but is willing to connect with new people and explore ...I overthink issues nd is always lost in my thoughts.......tabhi class mei lecture mei dhayn nhi jaata...😅 | |
2018CE10076 | introvert, shy seeking motivation and goal likes philosophy love motivating others senti can work hard for a cause | |
2018CE10149 | Socially touched | |
2018CH70296 | I think i'm shy and not expressive what i used to be in days before jee preparation.I'm short tempered.My interaction with others is not so good&a good thing about me is that what i starts i finish it til the end whether it is study,game or any anime.I'm fine in sports but i always search for peoples who plays kabaddi because i'm very good in this particular game and i felt bad when i came to knew that it's not in inter iit games. | |
2018CS10330 | I am not to frank but wants to be. I want to make lot of friends. I like little bit of sports but i am not much involved in it. | |
2018CS10353 | I am an average sized human being (well... Maybe below average idk) containing 2 legs, 2 hands, about 19-20 fingers, a perfect sized belly button and a seldom used mouth. | |
2018CS10362 | I am a work horse. I get frustrated when things are not in my control and often end up stretching beyond my limits. | |
2018EE10435 | I am an ambivert....more on the introvert side..I love to play video games....and don't really enjoy social events without good friends....I would rather be at my room than attend a social event alone...I would love to pursue a physical sport | |
2018ee10447 | I am very considerate and opposite to selfish. I like learning new things and experience it. I like solving real life problems. | |
2018ee30537 | I am lazy ,careless about future But excited to learn and know things shy ,never talk to strager. But now i will try to change myself. |
2018ME10596 | I am little bit dreamer and like adventrous things | |
2018ME20672 | I’d like to have more fun in life but I end up worrying too much!! I’m a tech savvy person with a deep love for coding. I’m pretty lazy too but when it’s time to get the job done I do exactly that. | |
2018me20694 | I like playing sports like cricket ,I like watching movies and chilling with friends | |
2018mt10762 | I talk too less. I love to make paintings especially portraits. I am here to learn more about various fields. | |
2018MT60779 | I like playing outdoor games | |
2018MT60785 | I am a flurtist | |
2018MT60786 | I like playing outdoor games | |
2018PH10832 | Mad for everything | |
2018TT10903 | I am the GREATEST(inspired by Md. ALI) | |
2018TT10919 | Lazy | |
2018TT10933 | Somewhat introvert type, hesitate to talk to people, lazy, enjoy playing games, no interests. |
2018ch10186 | Happy go lucky person. Assertive and opinionated. Always ready to learn and try new thind | |
2018CH10189 | I barely exist. I try to reach for the
stars and always end up in Mariana Trench. Zindagi rude hai and mai cool dude bhi nahi hoon. |
2018CH70313 | Not just a simple guy. Recommended by 9/10 people who recommend |
2018cs10324 | Fun loving, welcoming and for sure lazy | |
2018CS10389 | A just, baffled guy. Complete lazy but love to read | |
2018EE10441 | I want to write interesting anecdotes that show my personality but I somehow feel it will still come out looking more like a clichéd biodata like intro. I think I am funny, though this view is not shared by others very often, alteast not often enough to make it noticeable. I have lived in three states, and don't really feel any belongingness to any, so the simple question where are you from is very long for me to answer. Though it is a good conversation starter. And its good because I am generally shy in interacting with newer people, especially the opposite sex; I am trying to improve on it (though I am not sure if I am succeding). Anyway thanks for reading. Now to look cool I will give it a italian ending. Ciao | |
2018EE10452 | I dont need to describe myself. My name 'Ashit' does it all. | |
2018EE10483 | I'm a lazy person | |
2018EE30524 | I am quite lazy. But not in the case of girls, friends and tea.â˜ºï¸ | |
2018ME10605 | Am ambivert. Like Debating and Reading fiction. Play Badminton. | |
2018PH10804 | I am an introvert | |
2018TT10869 | Self centered kind of person. Does not socialise more often with people around. |
2017PH10827 | Awesome | |
2018BB50061 | I am pretty cool. In fact, too cool to write more. | |
2018ce10071 | I am fun loving . | |
2018CE10077 | I love to b With family and friends but at a time I can be with only one of these two. | |
2018CE10126 | I am someone, who you would describe as the 'leader' type. I like to take command of situations, when working in groups and always aspire to be the leader of the pack. Unlike many, I am comfortable at working with someone who isn't as good as me and really love such a situation. I am a music lover, retro songs specifically drive me crazy <3. I also follow sports developments keenly and just love to play football. Also, I like to hum songs all the time(yeah really) and like to smile always.....(Also a maths lover, though finding MTL100 boring | |
2018CH70291 | Extreme split personality disorder. Never rude/mean. | |
2018CS50420 | Childish outside, matured inside. | |
2018EE10440 | Being punjabi, I m fond of eating. I like dance, music, drawing and athletics. Movies waste a lot of time of mine😜. Being lazy sometime make me feel gud (laziness key to innovation). And i wish to learn a lot of things here in iit. | |
2018EE10467 | Just like a lot of people I am socially awkward in the first few meetings with someone new, but once I open up I become quite frank and talkative. I really want to be a part of everything that I can manage. Be it sports, music or other activities. I know study is important but I want the next 4 years of my life to be the best. I don't want to be the one who sits in his room all day or roams around the campus on his own. | |
2018ee30527 | I like watching tv shows and hanging out with friends . | |
2018EE30558 | Myself in the first I am a
chatterbox. I love hanging out with friends, animals and nature too. I am a binge listener of music( I sometimes don't even know which I am listening to). I watch anime too. As a full I don't let people get bored with me as long as they are with me I keep on keeping them engaged in some or the other things even by speaking senseless stuff quiet a good number of time. And I am trying to learn a new language too. |
2018ME10587 | Nothing exactly can be said. Depends upon situation. | |
2018ME10604 | I love eating and playing all games. My major objective for coming to iitd was making new friends and reduce my weight. | |
2018me10609 | Quite emotional and love to listen to music. | |
2018ME10615 | I am a fun loving boy who wishes to do all his job with enjoyment. Moto of my life is that i must be able to say at the end of my life that yes i did something great, My life was worthy. | |
2018me10618 | I am very much scared here in Delhi because i had left my home .. and about home sick i can't even describe the condition of me i really Can't be Here because of Homesick | |
2018ME20680 | jolly nature , likes adventures, likes roaming with friends ,likes to make new friends,likes cricket, want to experience new things , love food. | |
2018ME20685 | I am a simple guy with with a very simple life always aiming for something good to accomplish | |
2018me20736 | Fun-loving, smart but lazy and like reading | |
2018MT10765 | I am just like all other studs out here who loves to play Games, Sports and all and make more and more friends | |
2018MT10774 | I am someone who you will rarely find not happy. I love making friends and knowing people. Yeah, sometimes I might not be good at initiating a conversation with someone for the first time. But trust me once that part is done, I'm soon going to be your favorite person. :) | |
2018ph10838 | Lazy | |
2018PH10839 | I'm an adventurous playing different games/sports and want to participate in various activities but these minors are not allowing to do anything ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ | |
2018TT10928 | I am funny and smart | |
2018tt10972 | Cheerful, firm believer: everything happens for a reason, passionate about dancing,learning new things.Like to read books .Always optimistic. Try to stay away from negativity. Habbit of procrastination Want to know more :read my horoscope 😜 Sagittarius |